Ricarda Heim

Data-Driven Impact Reporting

What’s it all about?

An analytics approach that uses all available data to create a holistic image of a company’s performance.
The goal is to enable every person to learn from their data and strive for more.

Data-Driven Impact Reporting is an easy way of working with data - even if you’re not a numbers person.

  1. Intuitive approach to include everyone.

  2. Data culture and team transformation.

  3. Visualisations make information digestible.

no muss, no fuss

Let’s get started!

  • Identifying and setting goals for your organisation or project, and developing plans to achieve them efficiently and effectively.

  • Tracking and measuring key indicators or milestones to assess the advancement and make informed decisions.

  • Transforming raw data to derive patterns or trends, and presenting the results in an intuitive dashboard or report that enables everyone to understand and explore the data efficiently.

  • Key understandings and lessons that can inform decision-making, foster growth, and enhance understanding in various fields or domains.

  • Personalised coaching and professional advice to enhance analytical capabilities, improve decision-making processes, and drive organisational growth through data-driven insights.

but WHY?

Maximise your business outcomes

  • Tracking your company’s targets lead to significantly better business outcomes.

  • Visualising the impact of every employee’s work provides them with a deeper sense of purpose and increases motivation and productivity.

  • An agile approach with continuous adjustments improves your projects’ performance and longterm success.

Learn from your data

  • Learn to understand your data and apply insights and learnings to your business strategies.

  • Learn how to easily and intuitively integrate your dashboard into your daily routine. Visualisations of your most critical KPIs make the data more digestible.

  • Learn to adjust processes and improve work flows on the fly: small, consistent steps will get you there most efficiently.

and HOW?


  • Quick 30-minute call to discuss where you are, where you want to go and how I can support.

  • 1-hour Masterclass on the topic you require information or training on.

  • 6-hour Bootcamp to give you a head start on Data-Driven Impact Reporting.

  • Let’s work together on a regular basis, tailored to your needs.

Zine - Data-Driven Impact Reporting

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Podcast - My data is better than yours
by Jonas Rashedi


5 things I learned in 15 months at Microsoft

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Podcast - She has a voice
by Eli Tremps


How Microsoft Sees Everything in Opal

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